Tham khảo Đảo_núi_lửa

  1. Murphy, Raymond E. “"High" and "Low" Islands in the Eastern Carolines”. Geographical Review (American Geographical Society) 39 (3): 425–439.  Chú thích sử dụng tham số |month= bị phản đối (trợ giúp) Xem nội dung
  2. Hinz, Earl R.; Howard, Jim (2006). Landfalls of Paradise: Cruising Guide to the Pacific Islands. Latitude 20 Books (ấn bản 5). University of Hawaii Press. tr. 7. ISBN 9780824830373
  3. Condie, Kent C. (2001). Mantle Plumes and Their Record in Earth History. Cambridge University Press. tr. 27-28. ISBN 9780521014724

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